Kaizen Weightlifting

Step into the world of weightlifting with the Weightlifting Program. This comprehensive program provides ongoing, structured training designed for snatch, clean, and jerk. Each month, subscribers receive a detailed training plan that progresses in complexity and intensity, ensuring continuous improvement and skill refinement. You'll enhance your technique and strength and prepare to compete at higher levels. Ideal for lifters looking to commit to serious, long-term development in Weightlifting, this subscription program is your key to unlocking athletic potential and achieving your lifting goals.

Plan Includes

  • 12-Week-Long Cycles

  • 4 Days of Training Per Week

  • Warm Ups

  • Technique Work

  • Strength Programming

  • Accessory Work

  • Optional Conditioning

How it works

  • Complete initial questionnaire
  • Call with me for more details about goals
  • Daily check ins
  • Monthly call with me to talk about your progress
  • Monthly call with me to check up on progress
Select Plan
SAVE 17%









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