Kaizen Athlete

Introducing the Athlete Program, designed to enhance general athletic skills and overall physical preparedness essential for any sport. This program focuses on developing fundamental attributes such as strength, speed, agility, endurance, and coordination. Through a blend of conditioning exercises, skill drills, and functional movements, participants will build a solid athletic base that supports improved performance across all sports. Whether you're just starting your athletic journey or looking to elevate your existing skills, this program provides the comprehensive training necessary and build the foundational athleticism that champions require.

Plan Includes

  • 4-Week Cycles

  • 5 days a Week of Training

  • Warm Ups

  • Strength Programming

  • Speed Programming

  • Agility Programming

  • Accessory Work

How it works

  • Complete initial questionnaire
  • Call with me for more details about goals
  • Daily check ins
  • Monthly call with me to talk about your progress
  • Monthly call with me to check up on progress
Select Plan
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